News and Insights

Starting a New Business

Submitted by Chad A Kupper A limited liability company is flexible, and offers distinct advantages over a sole proprietorship, namely, the ability to reduce the personal liability of its members. But, did you know that an LLC also offer pass-through taxation in certain circumstances? If there is only one member in the company, the LLC […]

Public Benefit Corporations

Have You Heard? Public Benefit Corporations Submitted by Suzan D. Fritchel Beginning in April, 2014, Colorado will have a new business entity: the Public Benefit Corporation. The Colorado State Legislature recently passed a bill authorizing a new form of business entity called the Public Benefit Corporation. This new entity will be “for profit,” but the […]

Three Ways to Empowerment When clients make appointments for “estate planning”,  they tend to be focused on how they leave their property when they pass away.    While this is, of course very important,  we always stress that an estate plan is incomplete without properly drafted “powers of attorney.” A power of attorney is a legal […]

Mutual Indemnification in Leases

Why Can’t I Have What the Landlord Gets? Submitted by Cameron A. Grant I recently spoke to a group of commercial real estate brokers about the legal aspects of the leasing business. One question that garnered significant attention related to indemnification provisions in lease agreements. These brokers represent both landlords and tenants in lease deals […]

Spouses, Partners, Children & Uncertainty The Colorado Civil Union Act’s Legislative Declaration states that its purpose is to provide eligible couples (typically same-sex couples) the opportunity to obtain the same benefits, protections and responsibilities that Colorado law  provides to spouses of a legal marriage. It seems a simple enough idea – just replace “spouse” with “partner […]

Can I Recover my Attorney Fees?

Submitted by John Wade Gaddis In virtually every transaction, if there is a dispute and a party has to litigate to enforce the agreement, he wants to recover the attorney fees and costs that he had to pay. It seems self evident that the prevailing party should recover the fees that he paid. In most […]

Lyons Gaddis has a large and active real estate development practice, representing government entities, developers, investors, landlords, tenants, lenders, borrowers and business users in projects throughout Colorado. Our attorneys have experience with multi-million dollar public infrastructure projects, public and private finance, real estate taxation, and industrial, office and retail sales and leases. As a full-service […]