News and Insights

Lyons Gaddis COVID-19 Alert This Alert is one in a collection of articles created by Lyons Gaddis in our effort to get important information to our clients regarding the effect of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in the United States.  This Alert focuses the newly adopted Families First Coronavirus Response Act and its effect on […]

Clients and Friends: About 2 weeks ago, Lyons Gaddis began serious planning for the COVID-19 pandemic. Our goals were three-fold: protect the health of our staff and their families, do our part to prevent community spread, and maintain the level of responsiveness our clients have come to rely upon.  We operate with a robust network […]

One of the most critical decisions for business owners is how to organize or incorporate their business. It’s a decision that should be made after detailed conversations with a CPA and a lawyer. Two of the most common and most useful business entity forms are the corporation and the limited liability company. Depending on how […]

If you own and rent-out real estate, chances are you have had to deal with a difficult tenant.  Recent changes in the eviction laws may affect how you remove a tenant who has breached your lease agreement. Importantly, in Colorado, the only way to legally remove a tenant who is in default of a lease […]

The Road to OZ Passes Through Colorado Tax Windfall, Opportunity Zones and Real Estate Investment By Cameron A. Grant on January 26, 2020 Opportunity Zones, the buzz words of the real estate industry of late, are on the minds of many.  If you are involved in real estate and have not heard of Opportunity Zones, […]

Jennifer M. Spitz was selected for inclusion in the 2020 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America in the areas of tax law and trusts and estates. She’s also listed in Colorado Super Lawyers and is named as a 5280 Top Lawyer for her work in estate planning. Jennifer has practiced law in Longmont since […]

Lyons Gaddis congratulates our clients, Pat Hartman and Ron Popma, on the recent sale of CanSource to Broadtree Partners. Chad Kupper, with the assistance of Anton Dworak, headed the legal team to bring this sale together. You can view the full story from the Longmont Times-Call by clicking HERE. Thank you for trusting us to be part […]

Some of the most contested lawsuits pit neighbor against neighbor, arguing over who owns what small strip of seemingly valueless land. Sometimes one neighbor argues the fence is a foot over the lot line; other times, a neighbor puts up a fence in the middle of the night. Tensions flare, and weeks later, everyone is […]

After 45 years of handling several thousand disputes, there are some recurring lessons to be learned about achieving the best results. While every case is unique, the roadmap to a successful result includes a set of common waypoints. As you face a dispute, whether litigation, mediation, arbitration or even negotiation, these seven “trade secrets” will […]

Decanting and the Art of Change What is in a name?  There was a time when irrevocable meant just that.  In Colorado (and at least 24 other states); however, an irrevocable trust can now be changed by decanting.  Decanting can describe the gradual pouring of a liquid, typically wine, from one container into another.  Recently, […]