News and Insights

ALERT: Landlords and Property Managers: Response to Tenant Shutdowns

ALERT: Landlords and Property Managers: Response to Tenant Shutdowns

Lyons Gaddis COVID-19 Alert This Alert is one in a collection of articles created by Lyons Gaddis in our effort
ALERT: Force Majeure and Commercial Leases

ALERT: Force Majeure and Commercial Leases

Lyons Gaddis COVID-19 Alert This Alert is one in a collection of articles created by Lyons Gaddis in our effort
ALERT: Small Business Funding and Colorado Disaster Loans

ALERT: Small Business Funding and Colorado Disaster Loans

Lyons Gaddis COVID-19 Alert This Alert is one in a collection of articles created by Lyons Gaddis in our effort

ALERT: Congress Enacts Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Lyons Gaddis COVID-19 Alert This Alert is one in a collection of articles created by Lyons Gaddis in our effort
Lyons Gaddis's Plan for COVID-19

Lyons Gaddis’s Plan for COVID-19

Clients and Friends: About 2 weeks ago, Lyons Gaddis began serious planning for the COVID-19 pandemic. Our goals were three-fold:
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Corporation vs. LLC: Which Form of Entity Makes Sense for Your Business?

One of the most critical decisions for business owners is how to organize or incorporate their business. It’s a decision

Eviction law update: Changes to Eviction Notices

If you own and rent-out real estate, chances are you have had to deal with a difficult tenant. Recent changes

The Road to OZ Passes Through Colorado

The Road to OZ Passes Through Colorado Tax Windfall, Opportunity Zones and Real Estate Investment By Cameron A. Grant on
Spitz Jennifer 01

Best Lawyers in America

Jennifer M. Spitz was selected for inclusion in the 2020 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America in the areas